Sunday, January 31, 2010

Could someone please shutdown

Attached snapshot says it all.. With illogical zestimates, this site is not only confusing buyers but also depriving sellers of the fair value. How could a condo in an area where prices have dropped and recently sold for $129K now is zestimated a hopping $300K? I am pretty sure the owner has not replaced its walls with golden bricks.


Duncan owes me $ said...

Hi Ashish, Rachel from Zillow here. Can you email me the property address that the image is referring to? I would like to investigate why it is so "off." Thanks bringing this to our attention. A zestimate is only as good as the information we have. Hopefully I can figure out where the gaps are. rachelr at

Ashish said...

Mrs. Pajaczakowitz,
Here is the link: and its not just this property. My property in the same neighborhood has been zestimated ridiculously lower than what it is...