Thursday, April 20, 2006

A poacher is a poacher

It seems people are rallying for and against Salman - a loved-bollywood actor in a poaching case of a black buck. Black buck is an endangered species and is protected by the Indian law. Salman has been sentenced a 5yr jail term by an Indian court in the state of Rajasthan. From many interesting comments a few which I encountered most are: "In India organized poaching happens everyday and nobody does anything but he is being sentenced for one black buck because he is a celebrity." Or, "He should be penalized with money" Or, "He should be asked to give lakhs of Rupees and should not be sent to jail" and so on. The fact of the matter is that any poacher if "caught" is sent to jail according to the Indian penal system. In certain kind of cases, the court never gives any monetary penalties to anyone accused. Only a bail is granted against a sum of money but not the final ruling. Also, giving monetary sentences opens up a channel of discrimination. I expect people atleast those educated ones to first understand the Indian penal system a little better before making such discriminatory comments.

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